New Peacemaker One-Shot Coming From Garth Ennis

New Peacemaker One-Shot
  • Written by Garth Ennis
  • Art by Garry Brown
  • Cover by Juan Ferreyra
  • Variant by Garry Brown
  • 1:25 variant by Ryan Brown
  • 1:50 variant by Amanda Conner
  • $6.99 US | 40 pages | One-shot | Prestige
  • ON SALE 1/25/22 17+

Creator of The Boys; Garth Ennis‘ next project will be a brand new Peacemaker one-Shot that will function as an interlude between where we left the character in James Gunn’s Suicide Squad movie and where we will pick back up with him in his own HBO Max series that premieres in January next year. It should be very interesting to see Ennis bring his infamous blood-soaked, darkly satirical style to the character of Peacemaker.

The book will be titled “Peacemaker: Disturbing the Peace,” and will feature Five Ghosts and Conjuring illustrator Garry Brown on art duties. Disturbing the Peace will delve into the origins of the clearly disturbed vigilante, using the gimmick of a therapy session between Peacemaker and the unfortunate psychiatrist assigned to analyse Task Force X. Although, the official DC announcement does highlight the idea that this therapy session may be as much about Peacemaker evaluating the people assigned to keep a handle on him just a much as being about finding out what makes this guy tick.

New Peacemaker One-Shot

You can check out the statement that went along with the official DC announcement below:

The breakout character from The Suicide Squad gets his own tale of peace ahead of the upcoming HBO Max show! Readers can take a deep dive into the backstory of the World’s Greatest Peace Enthusiast in this special one shot from the legendary Garth Ennis (PREACHER, THE BOYS), with art by Garry Brown (DC HORROR PRESENTS THE CONJURING: THE LOVER) . Long before joining Task Force X, Christopher Smith, code name Peacemaker, meets with a psychiatrist—a woman dangerously obsessed with his bizarre and violent past. From his tragic childhood to his military service overseas to his multiple missions with Special Forces, Smith has more than his share of skeletons in the closet. But who’s actually analyzing whom? And will this trip down memory lane result in yet more fatalities?

New Peacemaker One-Shot

Up until the recent appearance of the character in the James Gunn movie, many comic book fans were unfamiliar with the character on the whole. If you don’t know where this character came from, Peacemaker’s origin dates back to the 1960s, where the character was created over at Charlton Comics before Charlton went bankrupt and their characters were gobbled up by DC in the 1980s. Since making his way to the DC Universe, Peacemaker has slowly became more twisted and darker than he ever was as at Charlton, to the point where he even inspired Alan Moore when he was writing The Comedian in Watchmen.

And by the sounds of it, it looks to be case that Garth Ennis will continue this trend as this new Peacemaker one-shot will apparently see a young Peacemaker coming back to his family home to find that both of his parents have committed suicide in the kitchen. This one won’t be for the faint of heart.

Along with the announcement of the one-shot, we also got a look at a number of black-and-white interiors as well.

What do you think? Will you be picking up this new Peacemaker one-shot when it drops in January of next year in anticipation for the HBO Max series? Let us know in the comments below.

Check out our review of Garth Ennis’ Punisher here.

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Daniel Boyd

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Daniel is a 26-year-old writer from Glasgow. He loves sci-fi and hates fantasy. He also hates referring to himself in the third person and thinks that bios are dumb.

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